Friday, July 27, 2012

One To Go

There's only one weapon factory left. The problem is, we have no idea where the fuck it is.

Crystal finished her work in where ever she was and met up with us. She agreed to go try and track down Isaac since none of us have heard from him since his team-up with Benjamin. Chinmoku is going with her.

We're going to keep looking for the last factory. Goodbye for now.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Quick Update

We've sabotaged two bases so far. We're on our way to the third one. I might not be updating for a while.

I finally figured out which fear Seraph works for. Apparently, she's one of the Lilim. She does a good jod at hiding her scales. I'm not really sure what use the Mother of Snakes has for a hacker, but whatever.

Anyway, I have to go. Later.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012


This is O'Zalia again. I spoke with Zack Waters. He couldn't tell me much, but I did learn something; The Biker visited him before to see how many views the blog go. And while he was there, he destroyed Zack's car by slashing it in to while riding past it.

The reason this is important is because he was wielding a sword and riding the bike at the same time. This means that the bike is only a part of the metal that's under his control. This worries me. Especially since I learned the hard way that my psionic powers are useless against him.

I think it's time for a Marvel Team Up. Malkator and Crow are both fighting the Bloody Biker as well. Finding Malkator should be easy enough, but since I can't read the Convocation's mind, I doubt it'll be easy to locate Crow. I know he was in Vancouver for a while, but he might have left by now. I guess I'll go find Malkator first and see what we can do from then.

With me luck, Myrir, Jerome, Gary, Crystal, Psycho Bitch, Haji, and those other two people.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Crap, it's gone!

The jewelry box was stolen. I shouldn't have taken my eyes off it. I have to figure out where that damn thing went. I'm screwed if I don't find it soon.



This is Myrir. We were attacked by some guards involved in the weapons conspiracy. Fortunately, Haji killed them all.

Speaking of which, I no which Fear he serves now. I found out when he pulled the stopper off his gourd and a bunch of bug flew out and started murdering people.

So yeah, he serves the Intrusion. That's interesting.

Also, I learned that the armored person isn't actually named Chinmoku. Apparently, no one knows what His/her name is, because he/she doesn't talk at all, so Quan just nicknamed him/her Chinmoku because it means silence in some language. Still not sure who he/she works for.

Anyway, we're planning an assault on another weapon factory, so I have to go now. Bye.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Zack Waters

This is Isaac.

I found something about the Biker online. A man named Zack Waters had a run in with him. I'm going to try and find this guy. He might have more information that he didn't post on his blog. It's a long shot, but it's something.

I brainwashed some guy into giving me his motorcycle, so I have some transportation to get to wherever I'm going.

You might be thinking "But O'Zalia, can't you just use the Path Of Black Leaves to get there?"

And to that I say "Fuck you, motorcycles are awesome."

OH! Crazy thought! What if I did both? Like, riding a motorcycle in the Path!

I have to go, I need to try that right now! Later, bitches!