Tuesday, April 16, 2013

O'Zalia here!

Okay, first of all, I've created my own blogger account, because at least one of my readers has been thinking rude thoughts about the fact I've been using a girls profile this whole time. I know who you are! Jake! I've got my mind's eye on you!

Okay, developments...

We've gained some members, lost some member, lots of stuff has happened.

Currantly, we have my brother, Jane, who has remained loyal, a Rake runner named Tom, a Snake runner named Liz, a Bride runner named Pete, a former Archivist named Collector Rho, and a Greyskin named Kord. I also recruited my old pal Zack Waters, who had his memories taken by Blindy, but he got his ass trapped by the Archive. He managed to escape though. I'm sure he'll be back soon.

Anyways, Kord has proven to be reckless son of a bitch, and tried to hunt down an old acquaintance. A Nest named Camazots, who is filled with bats. Yeah, the Convocation has bats, apparently.

So, Kord didn't plan too well, and was counter attacked by some of Camazot's allies, and I had to bail him out. I managed to knock one of them out and drag him along with us while retreating. He's still out cold.

I don't like those guys. I couldn't read their thoughts. They each had some kind of barrier up that prevented me from tapping into their minds. This guy we captured still has said barrier up, so getting information out of him won't be as easy as I'd like. Oh well.

I'm gonna try waking this guy up so he can answer some god damn questions.

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